Organic Bread making class


No egg, no dairy, no refined sugar




Japanese food is not just Sushi!

I think most people associate Japanese food with sushi, but Japanese food is much more than just sushi!


 There are varieties of breads in Japan, which you might have never seen or eaten in Australia.

In this class, you will learn not only to make and eat Japanese curry bread or also called curry doughnut ( karepan ) and wholesome whole grain bagels, but also will learn how to choose the right and safe ingredients as well.


You can enjoy freshly baked bread, and a wholesome Japanese vegetarian meal after the lesson.

Menu 1. Vegetarian curry doughnuts

Wholesome vegetarian curry is filled in bread, the curry is not o spicy, so kids also can it.

Menu 2. Wholesome whole grain Tofu bagels

This bagel doesn't contain chocolate nor fruits, but you will enjoy natural sweetness which comes from whole grains.


Date: Fri. 23th April 10:30-13:30 (including eating time)

           Sat. 24th April 10:30-13:30 (including eating time)


Fee $ 60 (Includes tuition, full lunch, drink and a copy of the recipe)




Call or SMS 
Mizue (Nickname Jo)